
Rank the following 16 long-range personal values in order

Rank the following 16 long-range personal values in order of importance to you, that is, insofar as they are guiding principles in your life. Place 1 in front of the value that is most important in your life, 2 in front of the next most important, and so on. The least important value for you should be ranked 16. When you are finished, the list should roughly indicate the importance of the various values in your life.

Achievement (promotions at work)

Beauty (natural and artistic beauty)


Dollar rewards (money and salary)

Family security (taking care of and being with family)

Freedom (independence)

Justice (equal opportunity for all; concern for disadvantage)

Love, friendship, and intimacy

Physical health and well being

Pleasure (enjoyable personal life)

Possessions (good car, clothes, home, material goods)

Recognition (respect, admiration from others)

Self-respect (good self-image, self-esteem)

Sense of accomplishment (making lasting contribution)

Spirituality (prayer, mediation, striving to be good person)

World at peace

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Operation Management: Rank the following 16 long-range personal values in order
Reference No:- TGS01062751

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