
Rank the best practices provided in order of importance

Please respond to the following:

Rank the best practices provided in order of importance, based on their priority within a global organization. Give a brief explanation as to why you ranked them that way.

Start with the needs assessment and pay special attention to culturally unique aspects of the job.

Don't waste time...individualize training to the trainee (if possible)

Provide trainees with an advanced organizer...use a guiding theoretical framework.

Get the best of both worlds...use an integrated training approach.

Make sure learning occurs during training...provide developmental feedback on intercultural competence throughout.

Use longer, more complex training for longer, more complex assignments.

When using culture-specific training, match the design of training and learning outcomes to the work situation.

Use culture-generic training, especially if trainees could potentially be interacting in multiple cultures.

Evaluation of intercultural competence training should go beyond simple sheets...assess multiple outcomes with multiple methods.

Cognitive learning outcomes are necessary, but not sufficient...develop skill-based and affective outcomes too.

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Operation Management: Rank the best practices provided in order of importance
Reference No:- TGS02809818

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