
Range of theoretical perspectives on literacies

Assessment tasks:

Title: Assessment task: Language development and teaching oral language

This task is designed to:

1) Develop your understanding of literacy teaching as you read and critique a range of theoretical perspectives on literacies and review researched literacy practices.

2) Build your repertoire of effective and inclusive literacy teaching and learning experiences for primary school children, with an emphasis on oral literacy skills.

3) Extend your personal literacies through research and academic writing, drawing on the use of a range of information and communication technologies.

Details of task: The purpose of this task is to develop a theoretical critique of the literature related to oral language in children’s literacy development.

Drawing on research evidence and professional literature you are required to provide a critical evaluation of the relationship between oral language and literacy in the primary school years. This should include a discussion of the different aspects of language that are foundational to and facilitative of literacy learning and development.

Based on your evaluation, you should then identify three to four teaching activities designed to support students' language learning.

Your description needs to include rationales for selection, the potential learning outcomes and clear details of the teaching and learning tasks.

Word count/equivalent: 2000 words

Presentation requirements: The assignment should be written as an essay and must conform to APA 6th edition writing and referencing style.

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Other Subject: Range of theoretical perspectives on literacies
Reference No:- TGS01238102

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