
random sampling methodin this method the units

Random Sampling Method

In this method the units are selected in such a way that every item in the whole universe has an equal chance of being included. In the words of croxton  and Cowden. Sampling   is said to be random if each possible sample had the same probability of being drawn. Simpson Kafka said, A random sample is a sample is  a where each item in the universe has an equal or known opportunity of being selected.

Thu s if the size of sample is n from a finite universe of size N. The there are possible sample .A sampling technique in which each of the sample has an equal chance of being selected is known as random sample.

Method of Random Sampling: To ensure randomness of selection one may adopt either of the following methods;

(1)   Lottery Method: Under this method all items of the population are numbered on separate  slips of paper of identical size and shape .There slips are folded and mixed up in a drum .A blind fold selection is then made of the required number of sample size, the method is common in lottery draws where a decision for the prizes is to be made.

(2)   By Rotating Drum or Machine: In  this method a machine or a drum is used, In this machine  there are some discs on which  numbers from 0 to9 are graved, The number of discs will depend upon the units  of the population. If the total numbers in the universe is up to 999   three discs are required. If the number is from 1000 to9999 four discs will be needed. For every disc there is an index sing marked on it which identifies thedigit. all the discs are rotated and left. Wherever the discs are stopped the numbers are noted. In this manner desired units are selected.

(3)   By Random  Numbers :The random numbers are usually obtained by some mechanism which, when  repeated a large numbers  of items, ensures equal frequencies for the numbers from 0 to9 and also proper frequencies for various combinations  such as 00, 01,99,000,001,999, etc. That may be expected in a random sequence of digits 0 to 9.

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Applied Statistics: random sampling methodin this method the units
Reference No:- TGS0161521

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