
Ramesh basic salary is input through keyboard his da is 40

1. Ramesh basic salary is input through keyboard his da is 40% of basic salary and hra is 20% of basic salary. Draw a flow chart; write an algorithm and program in c to calculate gross salary.

2. Temperature of city in Fahrenheit degree is input through the keyboard Draw a flow chart; write an algorithm and program to convert this temperature in centigrade degree. 

3. Draw a flow chart; write an algorithm and program in c to find the largest of three numbers.

4. Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm and program in c to check whether the entered no is prime or not.

5. Draw a flow chart, write an algorithm and program in ‘C’ to calculate total marks, percentage of students, if marks obtained by students are input through keyboard and max marks can be obtained by students in each subjects are 100 show grade as:

If per obtained >=85 grade ’A’

If per obtained is >=70 grade ’B’

If per obtained is >=55  grade ’C’

If per obtained is >=40 grade ‘D’

If per obtain is <40 grade   ’E’.

6. Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm and program in ‘C’ to find sum of all digits of a four-digit number entered through keyboard.

7. Draw flowchart, write algorithm and program to check whether the number is Armstrong or not.

8. Draw flowchart, write an algorithm and a program in c to print the following pyramid.


* *

* * *

* * * *

9. Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm and menu driven program in c, which has the following options

Factorial of a number.

Odd or even 


10. Draw flowchart, Write algorithm and program for function to obtained prime factors of the inputted integer. (Prime factor of 24 is 2,2,2,3).

11. Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm and a program in ‘C’ to print Fibonacci numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13).

12. Write a function power to calculate the value of ‘a’ raised to ‘b’.

13. Draw a flowchart write a program in ‘C’ to compute factorial of a given number using recursion.

14. Draw a flowchart write a program in c to check whether the entered year is leap year or not using function. 

15. Draw a flowchart write a program in c to exchange values of two-integer variable using call by reference.

16. Draw a flowchart; write an algorithm and program in c to find the largest and smallest element of an array.

17. Draw a flowchart; write an algorithm and program in c to sort the given array in ascending order.

18. Draw a flow chart; write an algorithm and a program in ‘C’ to print sum of rows and columns of 3x3 matrix.

19. Draw a flowchart and write a program to find the sum of two 3 X 3 Matrix.

20. Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm and a program in ‘C’ to accept values in an array and print sum of all elements of an array Using pointers. 

21. Draw a flowchart; write an algorithm and a program in ‘C’ to search an element in an array by linear search. 

22. Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm and a program in ’C’ to convert the upper case letters of a string to the lower case letters and vice versa without using library function.

23. Draw flowchart; write an algorithm and a program in ‘C’ to check a user-entered string for palindrome.

24. Write a program in ‘C’ to create the structure having fields empno, empname and basicsal calculate HRA, DA, and net salary on the basic salary.

Net sal = basicsal+da+hra.

hra = 30% of basic sal.

da = 20% of basic sal.

25. Write a program in ‘C’ to read and write a character from a file using fgetc() and fputc() function. 

26. Write a program in ‘C’ to copy a file character by character. 

27. Draw flowchart, write algorithm and program to insert an element at specified position in a single dimensional array.

28. Draw flowchart, write algorithm and program to delete an element from specified position in a single dimensional array.

29. Write a program to read and print record of n students using arrays with structure where structure of student consists of rollno and name. 

30. Draw flowchart, Write program to illustrate use of fwrite() and fread().

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C/C++ Programming: Ramesh basic salary is input through keyboard his da is 40
Reference No:- TGS01224069

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