Rajinder Kumar was a manufacture worker at Competent Motors Limited (CML), which made components and accessories for the automotive industry. He had worked at CML for almost seven years as a welder, along with fifteen other men in the plant. All had received training in welding, both on the job and by company-sponsored external programmes. They had friendly relations and got along very well with one another. They played volleyball in the playground regularly before retiring to the quarters allotted by the company. They ate together in the company canteen, cutting jokes on every other and making fun of anyone who dared to peep into their privacy during lunch hour. Most of the fellows had been there for quite some time, except for two men who had joined the ranks only two months back.
1. Whom do you think Rajinder will eat with? Why?
2. If you were one of the other foremen, what could you do to make Rajinder's transition simpler?
3. What would you have done if you were in Rajinder's shoes? Why?