Raising the funds through retained earnings

Turnbull has a target capital structure of 58% debt, 6% preferred stock & 36% common stock. The before-tax coct of debt is 8.2% & the cost of preferred stock is 9.3%. If Turnbull can raise all of its equity capital from retained earnings, the cost of common equity will be 12.4%. If it is necessary to raise new common equity, it will carry a cost of 14.2%. The current tax rate is 40%, how much higher will Turnbull's WACC be if it has to raise additional common equity capital by issuing new common instead of raising the funds through retained earnings?

  1. 0.54
  2. 0.64
  3. 0.86
  4. 0.80

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Business Management: Raising the funds through retained earnings
Reference No:- TGS0105357

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