Rahul Sagar highlights the ongoing dilemma of ineffective legislative oversight and judicial review in the employment of state secrets on pages 46 to 50 in Chapter 1 of his book, Secrets and Leaks:
The Dilemma of State Secrecy.
Based on our readings this week, do you think there are times when unauthorized disclosures of classified information should be defended as ethical even if legally prohibited? What role do whistleblowers serve in a democratic society?
Consider the case of Thomas A. Drake, NSA whistleblower: Leaks and the Law The Story of Thomas Drake History thiSmi.pdf
Minimum 250 words Double Space
Must be in no more than 3 paragraph
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Must use attached reading material for citation.
Secrets Leaks: The Dilemma of State Secrecy Rahul Sagar (2013). ISBN: 9781400848201
Leaks and the Law: The Story of Thomas Drake
Title of book: Secrets and Leaks The Dilemma of State Secrecy