Answer all the questions described below:
Question 1: Explain the radiographic method for shoulder joints.
Question 2: How will you perform x-rays of lumber spine in a young female patient (who is married)?
Question 3: Write radiographic views for the given and elucidate:
a) Fracture frontal bone.
b) Dislocation of T.M. Joints.
Question 4: Briefly discuss about the radiography for sinuses.
Question 5: Explain the radiographic method in following:
a) Chest x-ray of a 70 year old on ventilator.
b) Chest x-ray of a two year old baby.
Question 6: What is meant by acute abdomen? Mention the views to be completed in this case.
Question 7: Describe the given views:
a) S.M.V.
b) Occlusal Projection.
Question 8: In case of fracture of cervical vertebra, how will you get radiographic projections?
Question 9: Write short notes on the following:
a) Soft tissue radiography.
b) Mobile radiography.
Question 10: Write short notes on the following:
a) C1-C2 open mouth view.
b) Oblique views of S.I. Joints.