The flow time associated with each of the remaining steps is seen below Customer made a purchase - 15 mins Point of Sale captures data in real time - 0 mins Order's generated from previous day - 1 hour Merchandise loaded - 10 mins (Seasonal item); 30 mins (Non-Seasonal item) The warehouses have easy access to interstates and conveniently located in less-populated rural areas.The warehouses are set up for very little storage, with a quick movement of shipments from inbound trucks to outbound trucks, without storing in a facility. Seasonal merchandise can be moved from one truck to another within 10 minutes. Merchandise delivered to the store - 2:45 mins Data transmitted to warehouses for invoice management +Retail link transmits data to supplier - 10 mins Merchandise manufactured - 24 hours Store restock the shelves and merchandise shipped to warehouses - take up equal time from the leftover remaining time in the process. Remember the flow time analysis overall equals 48 hours.The warehouses are located in such a way as to cater to Wal-mart stores within a 250-mile radius. Wal-Mart is the most famous retailer implementing RFID in its supply chain management system in January 2005. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automated data collection based on an electronics – not a bar code. A tag can be embedded in the product or stuck on the exterior case or pallet.It allows for fully automated data collection with the use of portals.