
radial artery carpentier used radial aartc14y us

Radial artery: Carpentier used radial aartc14y us a conduit for CABG in 197 1. He had 30 percent early occlusion of the graft and it was given up. The mail1 problem was radial artarial spasm. C.Acar in 90's re-introduced radial artery grafting after using 1.V diltiazem to overcome arterial spasm. Radial artery is taken from the non-dominant hand after performing Allen's test to ensure ulnar artery's adequacy lo support palmar arch circulation. Doppler test can also be used for the same purpose. It is harvested by a long incision overlying the course of the artery. To avoid spasm papaverine (30 mg / 20 1111 of saline) is liberally applied at the time of dissection and later on conduit is dipped in the same solution until it is used. Patient is kept on 1.V diltiazem and later on oral dose up to six months.


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Biology: radial artery carpentier used radial aartc14y us
Reference No:- TGS0273048

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