
Racial disparity in hypertension control

Review the:

1 . The Association Between Self-Efficacy and Hypertension Self-Care Activities Among African American Adults by Jan Warren-Findlow • Rachel B. Seymour •Larissa R. Brunner Huber

2 . Attitudes and Perceptions about Hypertension among Churchgoing Blacks by Kendall M. Campbell, MD José E. Rodríguez, MD Alexandra C. H. Nowakowski, PhD, MPH Paulin Gotrace, MS

3.  Racial Disparity in Hypertension Control: Tallying the Death Toll Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH1,2 Kathleen Holt, PhD1

and response the following:

Create a research question(s) related to your problem statement and then conduct a Literature review. Remember, your study must be a quantitative study so think about that when creating your research question.

•Conduct background reading of your topic.

•Select at least 5 peer reviewed research articles (studies) related to your problem statement.

Summarize in 1,050 to 1,500 words the articles that best support your research question (that is, each summary is not 1,050 to 1,500 words but rather your whole paper is). Be sure to:

•Discuss components of each study (that is, what was done in the study)

•Determine validity of each study

•Discuss strengths and weaknesses of each study

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Other Subject: Racial disparity in hypertension control
Reference No:- TGS01828439

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