
Racial and ethnic disparities in heart disease

Assignment Task: Heart Disease

PART 1: Read one or more of the websites listed below and discuss how heart attack symptoms vary among individuals. What are the "classic" symptoms of a heart attack? What are some of the less common heart attack symptoms? Which heart attack symptoms mimic other health problems, and make it more difficult to diagnose the medical condition as a heart attack? What are some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

WebMD: Do you know which symptoms signal a heart attack in women?

WebMD: 12 Possible Heart Symptoms Never to Ignore

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease

A complete answer will consist of a few sentences or short paragraph. Be sure you answer all parts of a question.

PART 2: Respond to this student's response. Your response should provide additional information that answers the question, clarify something that was already written, or correct information that is not quite accurate.

The classic symptoms of a heart attack, or myocardial infarction, are angina pectoris (a pressure or squeezing feeling in the chest), pressure in the left arm, neck, jaw, shoulder or back, nausea, anxiety and shortness of breath. Pains in the neck and jaw are less common than other symptoms but can happen to anyone experiencing a heart attack. Symptoms will vary from person to person, a pressure that builds up in the chest can feel as small as a slight pinching feeling or as large as an elephant sitting on top of them. Some symptoms, like a pressure in the chest or shortness of breath can be misdiagnosed as heartburn when it could be a heart attack.

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Biology: Racial and ethnic disparities in heart disease
Reference No:- TGS03256142

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