
Race-based discrimination against whites

Answer the following in a word limit of 800 words:

1. Many Whites argue that their resistance to affirmative action and diversity programs is due in part to their families' history of not owning slaves or not having practiced discrimination. What are some ways in which Whites who have not done these acts nonetheless benefited from and been advantaged by slavery and discrimination?

2. Recall the study by Castilla that found similar starting salaries but differential salary growth for women and minorities when compared to White men, even when performance ratings were the same. What are some possible negative consequences for the organization if these salary differences become widely known? What specific steps would you recommend to avoid performance reward discrimination?

3. Search the EEOC website (https://www.eeoc.gov) for the most recent period (three months) for cases of discrimination charges and settlements against Blacks or Whites. In any month that you find a case involving discrimination, document the events surrounding this case. What proportion of cases involved race-based discrimination against Whites? What proportion of cases involved race-based discrimination against Blacks?


Bell, M. P. (2012). Diversity in organizations (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.

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