Quotes describe a suitable hedging strategy


A company finance director is expecting to receive US$2.1 million in export earnings in 90 days time. At that time she will need to purchase sterling. The spot rate is currently $1.35/£ but she anticipates that it may rise significantly before the earings arrive. She believes that the best hedging opportunity is offered by a foreign currency option and discovers the following quotes for 90-day option on the Chicago exchange:

Option                        strike price                    premium
Put on sterling                $1.40                        $0.0810/£
Call on sterling               $1.40                        $0.0276/£

The contract size is £62500

a) Using these quotes describe a suitable hedging strategy. Briefly explain your answer.

b) How many contracts would you advise the finance director to buy or sell and what is the break-even price ?

c) If the spot rate at expiration is $1.45, what are the company’s net sterling receipts from the transaction?

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Finance Basics: Quotes describe a suitable hedging strategy
Reference No:- TGS02066853

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