Quote on leadership that summarizes leadership philosophy

Problem 1: Select a quote on leadership that summarizes your leadership philosophy.

Begin your paper with this quote. Make sure to indicate who said the quote.

Then explain why you selected it and why it is important to you. Give a detailed example of a situation where this quote was relevant to you.

Problem 2: Think about your own leadership style. Then select one of the eight common leadership styles that we discussed in class that best applies to you (Charismatic, Innovative, Command and Control, Laissez-Faire, Pace-Setter,  Servant,  Situational, Transformational.)

Explain why you think that leadership style best reflects your own style.

Give a detailed example that illustrates a situation where you used that leadership style.

Discuss at least 2 pros and 2 cons of that leadership style from your own experiences.

 Problem 3: Think about the 10 Qualities of Good Leaders that we discussed in class today.

(Honesty, Ability to Delegate, Communication, Sense of humor, Confidence, Commitment, Positive Attitude, Creativity, Intuition and Ability to Inspire.)

Pick three of these qualities that you think you have and give a detailed example for each quality of how it has helped you in leadership situations.

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Other Management: Quote on leadership that summarizes leadership philosophy
Reference No:- TGS03381978

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