
Quiz- secretsnbsp ofnbsp my researchnbspnbsp success1nbsp

Quiz- secrets  of  my research   success

1)  which  of the  following  are   good  places to  find   background   information  on your topic?

      a) books

      b) e-books

      c) database

      d) all  of the above


2)  what  types  of  resources  reccomendations  can  you find in the umuc librarys  subject guides?

     a) database

     b) print books  and e-books

     c) websites

     d) all of the above


3) where can you locate   print  books relevant to  a specific subject  area?

    a) library  catalog (catalog usmaI)

    b) in the subject guides accessible  from the umuc  library  web site

    c) books  24X7

    d) both  a  and  b


4) what  does  the  find it button do?

    a) it tells  you if  an article  is available in full  text in another umuc library  database

    b) it  tells  you if the article needs  to be ordered from  document express.

    c) it  tells  you the best database  to use for your topic

    d) both a  and b


5) which  boolean  operator  should  you use  in a  search   statement to combine related keaword     if you  want   to  find results that include any of the keywords from the search statement?

   a) and

   b) or

   c) not

   d) none of the above


6) which  of the following  is true of books?

    a) they  can be found  by using catolog  usmaI

    b) they can  be found  in e-books colllection (onebscohost)

    c) they are  a good  source background reading material

    d) all of the above


7) which   methods  can  you use to conduct a umuc librarian?

    a) by  phone, email, and chat

    b) by phone, email, chat, instant messaging, and face-to-face  appointments

    c) by email  only

    d) you can't contact  them


8) which  of the following  is not an evaluative criterion to use in determining whether an article is     worth pursuing?

    a) the article  publication date

    b) the type of journal in which the article was published

    c) the article authors  credentials

    d) the volume  number  of the journal in which the article  was published


9) what is an abstract?

    a) a list  of individual  who have  reviewed the article

    b) a summary  of the  article

    c) information  on the reliability  of the article

    d) information on the article authors


10) in  an apa citation for a journal article, which of the following is included?

      a) illustrations, graphs, or charts

      b) article  title

      c) number  of pages

      d both a  and c



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English: Quiz- secretsnbsp ofnbsp my researchnbspnbsp success1nbsp
Reference No:- TGS01114632

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