
Quick sort algorithm

Q1. Apply the Quick sort algorithm for the given array of elements and sort the elements (Take the element 28 from the list as pivot element). As well describe the complexity of the algorithm for worst case and best case.

28, 32, 12, 5, 48, 13, 35, 11

Q2. Write down an algorithm to merge the nodes of two AVL trees to get a new AVL tree. Illustrate the computing time of your algorithm.

Q3. Write down a function to perform string copy and string compare operations given two strings stored in the array that are passed as arguments to the functions.

Q4. Write pseudo-code to extract, insert and delete the characters in a string of characters stored in an array to explain manipulation of character data in arrays. Strings of characters are stored and processed in the arrays. Suppose appropriate start index and end index to explain the above operations.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Quick sort algorithm
Reference No:- TGS010562

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