
questionwrite down a function that creates a cell


Write down a function that creates a cell array and structure array and populate them with data about element weights and amino acid formula-

Using function header:

[ function [w s] = generate_array() ]

This function has no inputs. There are two outputs; w is the cell array of element weights and s is the structure array of amino acids.

In your function, generate a cell array w that stores molecular weight of each atom, with atom names in the first column and corresponding weights in the second.

In your function, generate a structure array that stores the formulation of each Amino Acid. Each element of the array should be a structure with 6 variables, one for amino acids name and one that stores the number of each atom that survive in the amino acids formula.

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Computer Engineering: questionwrite down a function that creates a cell
Reference No:- TGS0444107

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