
questionwrite a short program of five to ten


Write a short program of five to ten lines in assembly language to accomplish something.

Your program should start with an ORG instruction and end with an END instruction Opcodes should be from the set of twenty-five instructions described in Dr. Duchon's tutorial

Operand addresses apply only to the seven memory-reference instructions (AND to ISZ) and are identified with a one- to three-character label

Labels identify an address where data is stored, or identify a location to branch to; the symbolic address in a label field is terminated by a comma so that it will be recognized as a label by the assembler / / are used at the start of a comment

A short example would be:

ORG 100
100 LDA CAT // The contents of location CAT are loaded into the AC
110 COM // The value in the AC is complemented
120 STA DOG // The value in the AC is stored in location DOG
130 HLT // The computer halts
140 CAT, HEX 5 // contains the value in location CAT
150 DOG, HEX 0 // contains the value in location DOG
END // end of source code


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Computer Engineering: questionwrite a short program of five to ten
Reference No:- TGS0444464

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