
questionwhich category of bars reinforcement are

Which category of bars reinforcement are more corrosion resistant, epoxy-coated bars, stainless steel bars, galvanized bars?

Supported on experiment conducted by Building Research Establishment, it was exposed that corrosion resistance of galvanized steel was worst between the three sort of bar reinforcement. In case of galvanized steel bars, corrosion started to happen while certain chloride content in concrete for example 0.4% by cement weight was exceeded. Though, for epoxy-coated bars, they extended time occupied for cracking to occur while compared with galvanized steel bars.

Best corrosion resistant reinforcement between all is stainless steel. In exacting, austenitic stainless steel stayed uncorroded even there was chloride contamination in the experiment.


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Civil Engineering: questionwhich category of bars reinforcement are
Reference No:- TGS0374322

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