#questionThe Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,… Formally, it can be expressed as:
fib0 = 0
fib1 = 1
fibn = fib n-1 + fib n-2
Write a C program using the fork() system call that generates the Fibonacci sequence in the child
process. The number of the sequence will be provided in the command line.
For example if 5 is provided, the first 5 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence will be output by
the child process. Because the parent and the child process have their own copies of the data, it will
be necessary for the child to output the sequence. Have the parent invoke the wait() call to wait for
the child process to complete before exiting the program. Perform necessary error checking to
ensure that a non-negative number is passed on the command line...