
questionstatus your own position privacy in age


Status your own position Privacy in Age of the Internet and offer a defense for it. Using Ethical Dialectical Process of Thinking state what your moral position would be on the moral question or dilemma or situation and why. You are to take a place and defend it. You should use some ethical principle and human value to decide what you think is the morally correct thing to do. You have to state those ethical principles and explain how they have been applied to the situation. You have to indicate that you have rejected alternative positions to your own and the reasons why you have done so. In so doing you need to enunciate clearly the values and ethical principle you are using to both reject the alternative positions and to defend or support your own.

a. Take a place on this question or issue is as exact as you can be. Be precise in your use of language.

b. Provide the reasons (ethical principles and human values) why you think this position is better defended by reason and proof than are alternative positions Position defended using reasoning in support of the judgment (conclusion of the argument). You state the reasons (ethical principles and human values) why place you take makes sense and has evidence and reasons to support it other than your feelings or personal preference or your opinion or what you were brought up to believe or what just about everyone you know thinks or believes. Philosophers have obtainable such reasons (ethical principles and human values) and proof for the positions they have taken and you should consider them and if you agree you can and should so state them in support of your own position.

c. status the reasons why you found the other positions flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending

d. State criticisms of your place

e. answer to criticisms- rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms

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Computer Engineering: questionstatus your own position privacy in age
Reference No:- TGS0444974

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