
questionsome of properties of a diatomic molecule


Some of properties of a diatomic molecule NO can be described in terms of a effortless model in which two atoms are connected by a spring. Experiments explain that the spacing between allowed vibrational energy levels in NO is 0.23 eV. Assume you have a gas of 4 NO molecules. One molecule's vibrational energy is in ground state (n = 0), the second molecule is in first excited state (n = 1), the third molecule is in second excited state (n = 2), and the fourth molecule is in the third excited state (n = 3). If we suppose that all transitions from one excited states to lower-lying excited states happen with equal probability, what is ratio of the intensities of 0.23 eV, 0.46 eV, and 0.69 eV photons?

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Physics: questionsome of properties of a diatomic molecule
Reference No:- TGS0445210

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