
Questions - what are the advantages and limitations of this


Critics offormal performance evaluation programs cite "timeliness" as the major disadvantage of the annualformalperformance appraisalinterview. This criticism is gaining force as more people become accustomed to instant dialogue on BlackBerries, Facebook, and Twitter. The second criticism of the traditional performance appraisal interview is the one-way nature of the communication. The Net generation wants dialogue, not lectures. They want instant feedback and information about everything. The traditionalprocess does not deliver what employees want: constant, timely, and interactive feedback. Daily feedback is more important and effective than
annualfeedback.Technology may be the answer. A Canadian company, Rypple, has created a Web-based service to replace the performance review. Instead of waiting one year to sit down with a boss, employees choose some advisors who could be mentors, coworkers, managers, or clients. These employee scan then contact the advisors with direct questions (How do I prepare gor the report to the board?) or career queries (How can I be more effective on my job?). The advisors can respond quickly and anonymously to provide real-time, just-in-time performance feedback.


1. What are the advantages and limitations of this kind of performance feedback?

2. Who would you choose as mentors in your current job and why?

3. What questions would you ask them?

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Case Study: Questions - what are the advantages and limitations of this
Reference No:- TGS01199015

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