
questionpresenters especially scientists seem to


"Presenters, especially scientists, seem to have jumped onto the "PowerPoint" bandwagon, and are using visual aids throughout their presentation - from the title slide right down to a conclusion slide at the end.

And more often than not, these slides are composed of a seemingly endless series of dot points with the odd graphic here and there - all using professionally designed organizational templates with the same colors throughout.

While this may be an advance on photocopied sections from textbooks or scribbled hand-written overheads, it is my belief that PowerPoint slides and overhead transparencies are overused."

(a) How far do you agree with the above practice? Illustrate your views with appropriate examples

(b) Apart from PowerPoint presentations provide three other presentation aids that a professional presenter will use. State the advantages and disadvantages of each.

(c) With regards to doing good presentations, describe clearly what would you have suggested to presenter in regards to planning his presentation.

(d) Using the context of a presentation being made by a sales representative, describe the communication process. In relation to that given context, identify each of the component of the communication process, a diagram may be used as support.

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Business Management: questionpresenters especially scientists seem to
Reference No:- TGS0363297

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