If in case mud waves occur during reclamation, what are probable solutions to rectify the situation?
(i) Option 1 - Complete Removal of All Disturbed Mud
To take away all disturbed mud once mud waves occur is fastest means to treat problem. Later than that, filling material is used for replacing disturbed mud. Though, this alternative is a rather costly option because it involves dredging of all disturbed mud and replacement of large quantity of fill.
(ii) Option 2 - Accelerated consolidation of Disturbed Mud
This alternative involves placement of surcharging loads on top of mud waves, mutually with installation of band drains to accelerate consolidation of disturbed mud. This scheme suffers from drawback that enough long time is required for consolidation process of mud.
(iii) Option 3 - Partial Removal of Disturbed Mud
This alternative is a combination of first two options in which top weak layer of mud is removed even as lower mud is treated with surcharging with band drain installation.