
questioni what is multithreaded programming


(i) What is multithreaded programming? Lists the benefits achieved by multithreading your code in a program.

(ii) What type of coding should be eliminated when designing and coding a multithreaded program?

(iii) A multithreaded program manipulates three types of objects

(a) A thread object.
(b) A mutex.
and (c) A conditional variable.
Explain these objects.

(iv) Among the many different file system that FreeBSD support is the Network File System, also known as the NFS. Lists three benefits that NFS can provide.

(v) NFS consists of two main parts, a server and one or more clients. The client cans remotely access data on a server, In order for this to work properly few daemons has to be configured and running.

(a) nfsd,
(b) mountd,
(c) rpcbind,

Explain these daemons.

(vi) Use the UNIX rcp command to copy recursively the directory /usr/reports from the local host to the directory /user/status/newdata on the remote host UTM and preserving the original creation dates and access permission mode of the directory that is copied in the new directory.

(vii) Write a UNIX command line for the following program : ( conditional Execution based on failure ) Suppose that the command mysort is a sorting program that creates a temporary file (mysort.txt) in the course of its sorting process. When the sorting program finishes successfully, it cleans up after itself, deleting the temporary file. If on the other hand, the program fails, it may neglect to clean up.

(viii) Some important files in Unix/Linux are:

(a) /etc/hosts.
(b) /etc/resolve.conf.
(c) /etc/routes.
Explain briefly the importance of each of these files.

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Application Programming: questioni what is multithreaded programming
Reference No:- TGS0360696

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