
questionget a spreadsheet file hw9 from the get


Get a spreadsheet file HW9 from the get directory.

This file has 2 worksheets, the first is titled names and the second is titled words.

On a first worksheet is a list of names.  They are given as last name, comma, and first name. 

The problem is data is messed up.  Some of names are in upper case, some in lower case, some a mix of both.  There are also many extra spaces in data. 

 Your task is to generate three new columns: Last name, First name, Normal Name.  In the Last name column remove the last name from column A and put it into this column, in First name column take the first names from column A and put them into this column.  In Normal name column put the names back together but as first name space last name.


 In adding, remove all the extra spaces and fix the names so only the first letter in each name is capitalized.  On worksheet two (Words).  I want you to count the number of words in the statement.

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Physics: questionget a spreadsheet file hw9 from the get
Reference No:- TGS0445259

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