
questiona tqm requires the whole organization to


(a) "TQM requires the whole organization to adopt the culture of quality. In a TQM organization quality will dictate the decisions, tasks and processes." In the light of this statement describe

(i) four reasons from both employee and management perspective respectively why establishment of a quality improvement system is essential.

(ii) Show the above statement.

(b) In 1956 Armand V. Feigenbaum argued that in process improvement efforts ,the concept of quality costs or cost of quality is a means to quantify the total cost of quality related to efforts and deficiencies. In the light of this statement briefly explain:

(i) five factors that should be taken into consideration before implementing cost of quality.

(ii) five typical symptoms that may be felt in an organization that has no cost of quality system.

(iii) Do you agree that cost of quality is an important and relevant feature in today`s competitive business environment.

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Project Management: questiona tqm requires the whole organization to
Reference No:- TGS0374126

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