(a) The ObjectDataSource control is an alternative design approach to using AccessDataSource or SqlDataSource controls. Explain and illustrate how an ObjectDataSource control can be used to create a 3-layer design application.
(b) Concurrent access to data from a database is a normal part of application program usage. Discuss three approaches to concurrency control.
(c) Write an ASP.NET program that allows you to create and populate a CheckBoxList control by accessing the Title field from the Movies database table. You should also consider the following rules:
(i) Checkboxes will be displayed in two columns
(ii) The associated values of the checkboxes will be the Primary key field from the Movies table which is Movie_ID
(iii) the program must also allow you to select the different Titles and display them in a label control
(iv) you will use an SqlDataSource control and assume that the connection string is established in a Web.Config file.