questiona small general insurance company a


A small general insurance company (A) writing only property business cedes a quota share reinsurance arrangement to a reinsurance company (B). The treaty cedes 40% of the protected portfolio. A pays 25% commission to acquire the business and has internal expenses of 7.5%. A expects to write £10m of business at a loss ratio of 65%. B bears the ceded proportion of A's acquisition costs and expenses. B's own expenses are 2% of gross premium received by B and B pays the broker 2.5% for the business.

a) Determine B's expected profit on this treaty, stating any assumptions that you make.

b) As a pricing actuary for B you have been shown this treaty by an underwriter. Explain what changes to the treaty you might suggest to the underwriter before the terms are agreed.

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Business Management: questiona small general insurance company a
Reference No:- TGS0362059

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