
questiona list at least three reasons i why you


(a) List at least three reasons
(i) Why you would convert an InDesign document to an Adobe PDF file?
(ii) Scenario: Mr Tony Stark has been placing regular advertisements in many magazines. His ads are created in Indesign and he would like to include a PDF version of the advert in each of the magazines. This means that his artwork has to be saved in PDF high resolution for printing purposes.

Explain clearly the steps to follow for converting Mr Tony Stark's Indesign file into a PDF file for print

(b) What do you understand by the word Printing?

(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using spot colors versus process colors?

(d) (i) What are the three main questions to take into consideration before beginning to create a printed project?

(ii) Elaborate on each of the questions given in part (d) (i)

(e) Explain clearly the meaning of "Signatures".

(f) What do you understand by the term "reader's spreads"?

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Other Subject: questiona list at least three reasons i why you
Reference No:- TGS0362501

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