(a) How do you implement the following in ASP.NET:
(i) Server-side Comments
(ii) Server-side Include Directives.
(b) What is the purpose of a HashTable?
(c) (i) List and explain any five properties of the CompareValidator control.
(ii) Give extract codes to demonstrate how Pop-Up Error Message dialog box is used to display relevant validation summary errors present within, say, a Registration Form.
Note: Error messages need to be in a dialog box as well as on the Web page.
(d) Using a Hyperlink control, write a program that changes a Hyperlink target destination depending on time as follows:
(i) before noon: link to file morning.aspx
(ii) after noon: link to file afternoon.aspx
(iii) the hyperlink text should also changed accordingly referencing either the text "Morning Help" or "Afternoon Help".