question1a two kilogram block is dropped from a


A two kilogram block is dropped from a height of 0.45m above an incompressible spring. The spring has an elastic constant of 200n/m and a negligible mass. The block sticks at the end of spring and sticks to it.
(a).determine the speed of the block at the instant it hits the end of the spring.
(b).determine the simple harmonic motion of the spring.


An m= 1 kg tetherball is swinging in a horizontal circle around a pole attached with an l= 1, 2 m long massless rope. It makes an angle of 40 degrees with the pole. 
A) Find the x and y components of tension
B) with what ac velocity is ball moving

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Physics: question1a two kilogram block is dropped from a
Reference No:- TGS0445199

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