question1a 47-g object moving to the right at 38


A 4.7-g object moving to the right at 38 cm/s makes a flexible head-on collision with a 9.4-g object that is initially at rest.

What is velocity of the 4.7-g mass after the collision?

What fraction of the initial kinetic energy was transferred to the 9.4-g block?


A loudspeaker of mass 17.0 is suspended a distance of = 1.60 below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of = 3.50. What is tension in each of the cables?

Use 9.80 for magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity.

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Physics: question1a 47-g object moving to the right at 38
Reference No:- TGS0446102

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