
question11for this assignment please write 1750


1)For this assignment, please write 1,750 words (including footnotes) on the following topic:

Q1. How has the Irish law responded to the challenges presented by discovery in relation to electronic documents? Outline and discuss the approach taken either in Ireland or more generally


1)For this assignment, please write 1,750 words (including footnotes) on the following topic:

Q2. Describe and critically analyze the ways in that Irish law may impose mandatory duties to report evidence of crime to the police.


For this assignment, please write 1,750 words (including footnotes) on the following topic:

Q1. "Explain and discuss the rules around the admissibility of digital evidence in the Irish courts"
You need only consider the issues of the law of evidence which are particular to digital evidence - especially laying the foundation to admit computer generated evidence, the rule against hearsay, business records and the best evidence rule - and do not need to consider the wider issues regarding the admissibility of illegally and unconstitutionally obtained evidence or the issues considered in the "Digital Evidence"

The conditions for all these questions are:
This task is designed in part to develop your ability to carry out research. Papers will be expected to confirm evidence of outside reading and an ability to identify and locate relevant sources. You will therefore be expected to research your chosen topic rather than merely confining yourself to the relevant reading list.

In order to do this, you should consult the following resources as appropriate:

Westlaw - UK, US and Commonwealth caselaw and journals.
Lexis - Similar coverage, with some Irish caselaw also included.
Westlaw.ie - Irish only coverage. Probably the best source for Irish caselaw online.

(All available via UCD Connect)

You should also familiarise yourself with Google Scholar, particularly to find relevant material in places other than traditional legal journals.

Use of Materials from Other Jurisdictions

even though focus of this course is on Irish law, it can be useful to see comparisons made with the approaches taken elsewhere. You should consider making use of materials from other jurisdictions - particularly in relation to issues where Ireland is following practice elsewhere.

Legal Writing and Analytical Skill

this assignment is also designed to develop your ability to clearly express your thoughts and analyse legal issues. You should consult the following site for

you ought to keep a copy of your paper.


Papers must be formatted in 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5 lines spacing, fully justified, with 1 inch margins.

References must be included in footnotes, not endnotes.

A separate bibliography is not required.

Submissions should be in Word 2003 or earlier format (.doc - not .docx), RTF or PDF.


Marks will be awarded on the basis of:

• Accuracy, comprehensiveness and originality in analysis
• Comparison (where appropriate) with other jurisdictions
• Suggestions (where appropriate) for development / reform
• Structure and organisation
• Relevance of material to topic
• Evidence of research and outside / background reading
• Use of appropriate references and citation; and
• Overall written presentation, including grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation

In particular, marks will be awarded for analysis and discussion rather than mere recitation of the law.

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