question requires you to produce a pcap file from

Question requires you to produce a pcap file from a Wireshark capture.  In addition, you must include a screen capture of Wireshark and some specific information regarding the frames captured.

Before completing this task, you must:

1.    Have Wireshark installed on your personal desktop/laptop

2.    Have network (Internet) connectivity to your desktop/laptop

3.    Have completed the packet capture exercises in weeks 1 - 3

This activity cannot be completed on CQUNet connected labs.

Capture Requirements:

You are required to perform a capture of a web search.  In order to do this, you should:

1.    Begin the capture in Wireshark

2.    In your web browser (IE, Firefox, Safari etc.) go to:

3.    Enter your CQU email address in the Catalogue search box

4.    Hit Search

5.    Stop the capture in Wireshark

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Computer Networking: question requires you to produce a pcap file from
Reference No:- TGS0209943

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