
Questions related to business consultant

In your own words, please provide input to the given questions....

Problem 1: Do you believe that consultants should be able to negotiate assignments. Why would/does negotiating assignments work better than just going in and accessing processes and information?

Problem 2: So some people are born 'objective' (with objectivity being a character trait like being introverted or extroverted) and maintain this objectivity across the board, irrespective of the issue?

Problem 3: Peter Block suggests that no matter what your area of expertise is, your real value to the client comes from collaborating effectively and transferring your knowledge so that the client can do it himself the next time around. Do you agree or disagree? Is the consultant making suggestions and recommedations to the client in an effort to teach them how to run the organization more efficiently and effectively?


Block, P. (2002). Flawless Consulting. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.

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Other Management: Questions related to business consultant
Reference No:- TGS01617171

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