
Question of copyright infringement


HELPING A FRIEND Suppose you fully intend to spend the evening working on an Excel assignment that’s due the next day. Then a friend calls. Your friend is stranded miles from home and desperately needs your help. It will take most of the evening to pick up your friend, bring him home, and return to your studying. Not only that, but you’re very tired when you get home and just fall into bed. The next day your friend, who completed his assignment earlier, suggests you just make a copy, put your own name on the cover, and hand it in as your own work. Should you do it? Isn’t it only fair that since you helped your friend, the friend should do something about making sure you don’t lose points because of your generosity? What if your friend promises not to hand in his or her own work so that you can’t be accused of copying? Your friend wrote the assignment and gave it to you, so there’s no question of copyright infringement.

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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Management Information Sys: Question of copyright infringement
Reference No:- TGS01967630

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