
question linear programmingcomplete the linear


Linear Programming

Complete the linear programming matrix at the end of the question with the appropriate coefficients and signs for the following information


Requirements               steers         ewes        lambs       oats           turnips           barleys           millet           

Winter (hrs)              1.22           0.20        0.12       0.30          0.10           1.00              0.70

Spring (hrs)               1.20           0.30        0.15       0.20          0.30           0.80              1.10

Summer (hrs)            1.12           0.20        0.13       0.30          1.30           1.30              1.50

Autumn (hrs)            1.14           0.40                      0.30         0.20           0.20              0.20



Feed demand                                  steers                              ewes                                lambs

Winter (kg)                            900                              192                             36

Spring (kg)                             800                              190                             57

Summer (kg)                          830                              190                             95

Autumn (kg)                          790                              200


Feed supply                   oats                      turnips                   barley                     millet

Winter (kg)                    840                       110                        460

Spring (kg)                                                 280                        580                         500

Summer (kg)                                               675                        175                         2700

Autumn (kg)                  470                      163


Gross margins      steers         ewes        lambs        oats         turnips       barley          millet

$                           74.05           23.20    54.32         -43.45      -48.36        -39.60          -36.74

The manager has 800 hours of family labour available in summer, autumn and winter; however, in spring only 750 hours is available. In the district casual labour is worth $14 per hour.


1.Fill in the tableau with the values from the above information: be sure to include the correct signs, gross margins and supply values. You are not required to complete a demand column.

2.Complete the constraints for a 2-year crop rotation between oats and barley in the homestead paddock (300 ha).

3.Complete the constraint for turnip and millet production in the South Hill paddock (200ha).

4.Complete the constraint for a maximum of 40 steers.

5.Complete the constraint for a 75 per cent lambing ratio.

6.Complete the constraint for a minimum 200 head of sheep.

7.Show how a maximum of 5 tonnes of feed wheat could be made available in winter at $160 per tonne.

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Microeconomics: question linear programmingcomplete the linear
Reference No:- TGS0491217

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