
question is cad only helpful for design

Question: Is CAD only helpful for design drawings?

No. When true-scale, structurally valid drawings are the purpose for CAD's existence; it utilizes is as diverse as imaginations of our customer. For illustration, it may be utilized for: (a)  page layout, web graphics (when scaling and relationships are important to an image, making the image in CAD and exporting it as a bitmap for touchup and conversion can be very productive),

(b) visually available databases  here imagine a map along with detail where you can zoom in a part and edit textual information "in place" and you can after that see what the other items of interest are "in the neighborhood": our program's capability to work very quickly along with large drawings is a real plus,

(c) Sign layout, laser-cutting models for garment factories, schematic design where CAD's symbol library abilities come in handy and printed-circuit panel layout, it was the application which our first CAD program, created in the 1977 year.

Software packages for Computer-Aided-Design applications classically provide designer along with a multi- window environment. Animations are frequently used in Computer-Aided-Design application; Real-time animations by using wire frame displays on a video monitor are helpful for testing the performances of a system or a vehicle. The inter frame system permits the user to study the interior of the system and its behavior. While the study of behavior is completed, realistic visualizing models, surface rendering are utilized for background scenes and realistic display.

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Computer Graphics: question is cad only helpful for design
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