
question demonstrate the use of analytical tools

Question. Demonstrate the use of analytical tools to monitor the progress and the effect of change

  • Experiencing change - how volume, momentum and complexity play a part
  • Changing behaviours, how we react and recover from change
  • Resilience and competencies - people's change-ability and change capacity
  • How coaching can increase competence

Question. Assess monitoring and measurement techniques to change within an organisation

  • Leadership and management function, looking at a suitable approach and the dynamics of change
  • Six leadership practices
  • Leadership practices and change requirements, including change equation

Question. Analyse strategies to minimise adverse effects of change

  • Causes of change resistance - common barriers with examples
  • How to deal with emergent resistance using transformation curve (positive)
  • Handling resistance associated with negative perceptions using the transformation curve (negative)

Question.  Identify the processes to review the impact of the change

  • Achieving what was planned - how to judge a change project
  • Strategic vs operational evaluation - why you must do both
  • Success criteria (both hard and soft) and drawing up a change initiative spec
  • Applying measures to rate success - outcome and process valuations

Question.  Analyse the results of the impact review

  • Approaches to gather valid and reliable data
  • A review of data-gathering methods

Question:  Present the findings of the change analysis

  • Agreeing on the evaluation taking into account social and political dimensions
  • Learning from experience - three stages and double loop learning
  • Assessing the evaluation

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Marketing Management: question demonstrate the use of analytical tools
Reference No:- TGS0442060

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The organization considers into account social, economic, culture and political dimensions during evaluation impact of change on employees. Successful change requires the particular identification of political, social, economical and cultural factors to each country. All of these factors impact on the business environment as it affects the institutional framework, its workings, and the programs set up during changes. Government stability, adequacy of representation, legitimacy, and its degree of

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