
Question create a swot analysis for paper economic

Question: Create a SWOT analysis for paper.

You will be given a company.

You will be expected to research this company in depth and use the given information:

A. Brief company history (this should be limited to a couple of paragraphs) Use a paragraph or so to explain the history of the company

B. A company analysis should include:

1. Economic conditions - What effect has the economy had on your company.

2. Ethical issues (if pertinent) - Explain how people look at your company ethically. Are they considered to be an ethical company or not.

3. Marketing strategies - How does your company market or advertise itself.

4. Strengths and weaknesses (domestic and international) - Make a list of the strengths and weaknesses of your company.

C. An Industry analysis -Find 3 competitors and explain to me how they are different and similar to your company. What makes them a competitor?

D. A financial explanation of the data must be included. You can also use charts and tables to supplement this information if you wish. Explain how your company is doing financially. Summarize in a paragraph or so, you do not need to use charts or graphs.

E. Recommendations of specific strategies that your study company might use today to improve its organizational performance. In your words, give me your recommendations for the company moving forward. What would your advice be to them?

Your report should be roughly 10 pages. The report must include a cover sheet with:

a. Title of Paper

b. Course Title

c. Instructor's Name

d. Students Name

e. The report should be stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Do not use a cover other than the above described cover sheet.

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Strategic Management: Question create a swot analysis for paper economic
Reference No:- TGS02781945

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