I think this discussion opens up broader questions about the role of transparency in healthcare and how it can be harnessed to support patient autonomy and trust, rather than inadvertently leading to decision-making biases. It's a rich area for further exploration and could inform more effective communication strategies in clinical practice. Integrating the concept of cognitive dissonance, patients might experience internal conflict when their beliefs about healthcare do not align with a disclosed bias, compelling them to reconcile this dissonance by trusting the physician's advice. This trust could also be influenced by the norm of reciprocity, where patients feel an implicit obligation to respond positively to the physician's honesty, further nudging them towards the recommended treatment. This psychological perspective adds depth to understanding the patient's decision-making process in the context of bias disclosure. When we're looking at these issues on the macro scale, I think areas like psychology can give us an edge in furthering our understanding of the importance of the compliance side.