
question a there are those-usually who have never

Question :

(a) "There are those-usually who have never experienced a crisis- who say that planning for a crisis is a waste of time because it is planning for something that will never happen"

How far do you agree with the above statement?

(b) The number of people involved in a crisis communication team and their specific roles differ from organization to organization. Hence no matter what the size of the organization and no matter how small or big the crisis, clearly state who should be part of the crisis communication team, specify well the role of each identified person.

(c) All crises demand an immediate response. Public Relation staffs have the over-riding responsibility to maintain a long-term perspective and strive for the organization's continuing relationship with its important publics. Describe and identify the seven steps to "Ratchet" a crisis down

(d) Pre-crisis and post-crisis communications are both important. As a PRO, who dealing with a crisis in your organization, explain the steps you would take into account when developing your media plan to communicate your post-crisis information to major stakeholders. You may support your answer by the use of examples

(e) Identify the necessary requirements to help build and maintain a good bridge between Public Relations practitioners and Journalists during a crisis situation.

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Marketing Management: question a there are those-usually who have never
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