Question 2 as discussed in class the computer memory can be

• Question 1 The are 6 generations of computer languages
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 2 As discussed in class the computer memory can be divided in RAM and REM
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 3 URL stands for Universal Resource Locator
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 4 RAM stands for Read Accurate Memory
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 5 HTTP stands for Hyper Transfer Text Protocol

Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 6 As referred in class accuracy means a computer have the capacity to save large quantities of data
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 7 In class we discussed 3 methods for accesing files: sequential, random, and interconnected
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 8 The operations that can be performed in a database record are (CRUD): create, read, update, and delete
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 9 Data hierarchy includes files, records, and fields
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 10 OLAP stands for online analitycal processing system
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 11 The primary key is unique
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 12 Keyloggers monitor and record network traffic
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 13 Patents protects product names and identifying marks
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 14 Spoofing are unsolicited e-mails sent for advertising purpose that are sent in bulk by using automated mailing software
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 15 Spamming are unsolicited e-mails sent for advertising purpose that are sent in bulk by using automated mailing software
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 16 Adware is a form of phishing
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 17 Most databases are managed with a DBMS
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 18 A BI system can be described as an organized integration of hardware and software technologies, data, processes, and human elements
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 19 A BI systems usually provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations and environments
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 20 In the design phase the best and most effective course of action is chosen
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 21 In the intelligence phase alternatives are generated to meet the criteria of the decision
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 22 As discussed in class; there are 5 phases in the decision making process
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 23 In the implementation phase organization devises a plan for carrying out the alternative selected in the choice phase
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 24 Semi-structured decisions can't be automated
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 25 A data driven web site usually allows users to enter data
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 26 In an SAP implementation the developers are usually responsible for installing the DB and the application software
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 27 A SAP implementation team usually consists of technical, operational analysts, and developers

Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 28 When installing an SAP system installing a DB installation is not required
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 29 SAP implementations projects are usually supervised by a project manager
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 30 In an SAP implementation the technical consultant or analysts are usually responsible for installing the DB and the application software
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

• Question 31 In an SAP implementation the technical consultants or analysts are usually responsible for analyzing the business processes of the company and configure the software according to the business needs and objectives
Selected Answer: 1- True 2- False

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Basic Computer Science: Question 2 as discussed in class the computer memory can be
Reference No:- TGS01037096

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