Question 2 Which term is not associated with phylogenetics
A. Node
B. Branch
C. Seed
D. Root
E. All of the above are associated with phylogenetics
Question 3 Which of the following is NOT a synapomorphy?
A. The ability to swim in dolphins and sharks
B. The production of milk in humans and cats
C. The ability to fly in eagles and pigeons
D. The laying of eggs with shells in snakes and lizards
E. All of the above are synapomorphies
Question 4: Which of the following can lead to homoplasy?
A. The reversion of a derived character state to its ancestral state
B. The independent origin of similar traits in separate lineages
C. The evolution of wings in both birds and bats
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Question 5: Which of the following statements are depicted by this phylogeny?
A. The ancestors of humans became gradually more "human-like" over time
B. Old World monkeys share a common ancestor with humans
C. Humans represent the end of a lineage of animals whose common ancestor was primate-like
D. Humans evolved from chimpanzees
E. All of the above are depicted in this phylogeny
Question 6: Using the phylogeny below which of the following form a clade?
A. Tarsiers, Old World Monkeys, Gorillas, and Humans
B. Gorillas, Gibbons, and Orangutans
C. Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans
D. New World Monkeys, Old World Monkeys, and Chimpanzees
E. None of the above forms a clade
For question 5&6 see the diagram that I have attached!