Question 1:
Write details of Botanical source, common name, part of plant used, chemical constituents and uses for the given drugs:
a) Momordica charantia
b) Moringaoleifera
c) Ocimum sanctum
d) Catharanthusroseus
e) Oenotherabiennis
- Momordica charantia
- Moringaoleifera
- Ocimum sanctum
- Catharanthusroseus
- Oenotherabiennis
Question 2:
What is the role of FDA with respect to Biologics, Cosmetics, Drugs, Foods, Medical devices, radiation - emitting electronic products, Veterinary products and pesticides?
- Briefly describe the role of FDA with respect to Biologics, Foods, Cosmetics, Drugs
- Briefly describe the role of FDA with respect toMedical devices, radiation - emitting electronic products, pesticides and Veterinary products