Question 1
The field of environmental finance is a part of both environmental economics and the conservation movement which develops different financial instruments to protect biodiversity. Discuss the need to finance eco-friendly economies.
Question 2
CDM mechanism is one of the consensus approaches created by the Kyoto Protocol to encourage carbon trading. Discuss CDM.
Question 3
The government can raise finance by pricing the usage of water, sewer, fertiliser and pesticides. What is significance of collecting water and sewer fees?
Question 4
'Eco-tourism', otherwise known as ecological tourism, is a form of tourism specifically designed for people who are ecologically and socially conscious. Define eco-tourism. List the goals of eco-tourism
Question 5
Assume that you are actively involved in a Public-Private Partnership infrastructure development for water resource management projects. Now you want to sign a PPP contract for solid waste management project. What are the major reasons for you to enter into PPP contract?